
Ksenia Knorre

⎯ Russia

Pianist, Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory      


Born in Moscow. In 1972 Xenia Knorre graduated from the Central Music School (class of A.S. Sumbatyan), in 1978 from the Moscow Conservatoire (class of B.Y. Zemlyansky), in 1983 – from the assistant training programme (supervisor – S.S. Alumyan).

She has been working at the Moscow Conservatoire since 1979. In 1992 she worked as an assistant of Professor V.V. Gornostaeva at the Special Piano Department, in 1995 – as an associate professor, in 2007 – as a professor at the Special Piano Department. Since 1995 she has been teaching special piano at the Central Music School. Since 2000 she has been teaching the special piano class at the Moscow State Chopin College of Musical Performance. Her students include prize-winners of Russian and international competitions (including the International Tchaikovsky Competition).

She has given master classes in Germany and Italy (1991-1994), Spain (2003-2004), Lithuania (2004) and Estonia (2006). In 2004-2006 she took part in the Festival in Kostomuksha (Karelia), where she also gave master classes.

Until 2018 she worked as a teacher in the “Music and Performing Arts” sections at the Sirius Educational Centre (Sochi). In 2022-23 she worked as an expert in the project “LIGHT OF HOPE” of the Spivakov Foundation and gives master classes in the projects of the Spivakov Foundation. For the last 10 years she has been an annual participant in the music and art festival of the Svyatoslav Richter Foundation in Tarusa and has also been a teacher at the festival’s summer schools.

In addition to her solo activities, she has performed in chamber ensembles with G. Kremer, Y. Korchinsky, M. Vaiman, G. Kazazian, A. Knyazev and many other prominent musicians. She took part in international music festivals dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach (Ansbach), W. A. Mozart (St. Petersburg), T. Mann (Lithuania) and others. At the beginning of the 2000s she was a participant in projects of the Villa Musica Foundation (Russia-Germany). She has given concerts in Russia, the CIS countries and other countries (Austria, Germany, Netherlands, USA, Finland, etc.).

She is a member of the jury of international competitions.


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